We put block matrix method in the calculation of Higher-order determinant in this article and give some calculating formulas, methods of calculation, condition of calculation and skills. 作者将矩阵分块法应用到高阶行列式的计算中,并给出了几个计算公式、算条件及方法和技巧。
On this basis, it discusses, by using determinant, the calculation method of the number of tree graph vertices of the known connecting graph according to the nature of the basic incident matrix. 文章从生成树之间的距离出发,定义了连通图的树图概念并证明了若干个简单性质,然后根据基本关联矩阵的性质,讨论了用行列式计算给定连通图的树图的顶点数。
One Type Cyclic Matrix Determinant Calculation and One of Its Application 类循环矩阵的行列式计算及其应用之一
In the paper, we come down to the theory and the calculating method of n order determinant and sum up some useful skills of calculation. 通过对n阶行列式的理论和计算方法进行归纳分析,总结出一些有用的计算n阶行列式的方法和技巧。
Application of infinitesimal calculus to the determinant calculation 微积分在行列式计算中的应用
The literature [ 1] listed below this article is proposes an algorithm for calculating a higher order determinant and rank of matrix by the method of partitioning and descending order, but this method needs a lot of calculation. 文献[1]提出了用分块法降阶计算高阶行列式和矩阵求秩的方法,但计算量还很大。
The solution of Wronskian determinant, the solution method of source in the numerical calculation are summarized, and the direct difference computation of internal wave equation with the source and the integral equation method are also introduced. 数值研究给出数值求解Wronsky行列式的源求解方法及介绍直接差分计算含源内波方程和积分方程的方法。
Application of Determinant to Efficiency Calculation of Epicyclic Gear Trains 行列式在周转轮系效率计算中的应用
The Features and Application of the Sum of the Cofactor of a Determinant Calculation of the Eigenvector of a Square Matrix by the Expanding Cofactor 代数余子式之和的性质及应用计算方阵特征向量余子式展开法
The characteristics of LCAO-MO's secular matrices of symmetric molecules have been investigated. The symmetry properties of the molecule can be utilized to factorize the secular determinant and simplify the calculation of the eigenvalue spectra. 本文研究了对称分子LCAO-MO的久期矩阵的结构特征,指出凡具有一定对称性的分子,即可利用对称性对其LCAO-MO久期行列式进行因子分解,使其本征值谱的计算简化。
Taking Cayley-Menger determinant in the two-dimensional real space as the distance geometry constraints, combined with the weighted centroid calculation, a twice-weighted centroid localization algorithm based on distance geometry constraints ( DGC-TWCL) is presented. 利用Cayley-Menger行列式提供的距离几何约束条件,结合加权质心计算,提出一种基于距离几何约束的二次加权质心定位算法。